aerial view of cyclists relaxing on the grass banner image

New active travel fund open to applications

3 June 2024

New active travel fund open to applications

Paths for All are inviting expressions of interest for their new Community Project Transition Fund.

This grant fund is open to community and third sector organisations for projects that will encourage people to make journeys by walking, wheeling and cycling, rather than by car.

The Community Project Transition Fund is a £2.1m grant fund, with a minimum award of £5,000 and a maximum of £100,000. This revenue funding is for projects that will contribute to the Transport Scotland Active Travel Framework outcome to increase the number of people choosing walking, cycling and wheeling in Scotland by:

  • Encouraging more people choose to walk, wheel or cycle for short local journeys or
  • Developing more positive attitudes towards active travel options

Projects must align with the Transport Scotland People and Place programme priorities of:

  • Active Schools and Young People
  • Workplaces
  • Accessibility and inclusion
  • Capacity and Capability

The fund is open for Expressions of Interest and successful applications will be awarded by 30th June, with all projects to be completed by 31st March 2025.

You can find out more about the Community Project Transition Fund, including how to submit your expression of interest, on the Paths for All website.