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Have your say on new National Outcomes for Scotland

27 May 2024

Have your say on new National Outcomes for Scotland

The Scottish Parliament is consulting on the Scottish Government’s proposed National Outcomes, which make up a key part of the National Performance Framework.

The National Performance Framework is Scotland’s wellbeing framework and aims to get everyone in Scotland to work together to deliver on the National Outcomes. Both the National Performance and National Outcomes describe the kind of Scotland “in which we all want to live”.

The Scottish Government must, by law, review the National Outcomes for Scotland at least every five years. In 2023, it began the current review and consulted on whether the existing National Outcomes are the right ones, and what changes the Government should consider making.

The Finance and Public Administration Committee at the Scottish Parliament is leading in considering the proposed new National Outcomes, although some other Committees will wish to consider evidence in their areas of interest.

The Scottish Parliament has therefore launched a consultation which seeks the public’s views on the Scottish Government’s proposed National Outcomes.

To help achieve its purpose, the National Performance Framework sets out 13 proposed ‘National Outcomes’. These outcomes describe the Scottish Government’s vision for Scotland.

At present, the National Performance Framework purpose is “To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing and sustainable and inclusive economic growth”. The Scottish Government proposes to update the National Performance Framework’s purpose to “To improve the wellbeing of people living in Scotland now and in the future”.

You can submit your response to the online consultation before the closure date on 28 June 2024.